ColorAlti G2 & DigiAlti
List of Alerts and Effects with Examples
Both ColorAlti G2 and DigiAlti (US Patent No. 10,267,630 B2) have 16 different visual alerts and 17 effects that can be used in any phase of a skydive. In the table below, a red check () indicates that an alert or effect is one of the defaults (default settings are on Preset 1 on a new altimeter). The examples given show the alerts and effects on a StickyLight 2B, which has 10 LEDs—the same number as DigiAlti's LightBar. Alerts and effects on the other StickyLights are displayed slightly differently. Alerts are shown with a blending effect, blending through all 65,536 possible colors. A blue check () indicates that an alert is altitude dependent, i.e. the way the alert is displayed is influenced by where you are in the altitude window (e.g. 13,000 to 6,000 ft) indicated.

# Name View
1Stay Lit
2Flash Slowly
4Flash Quickly
5Flash Strobe
6Count Up
7Count Down
8Fade In
9Fade Out
15Bounce Slowly
16Bounce Fast


# Name View
1Rainbow Waves
2Rainbow Swaying
3Rainbow Pulses
4Rainbow Sparkle
5RGB Sparkle
6Pastel Sparkle
7White Sparkle
8White Flash
9White Pulse
10White Light
11White Strobe
14Arctic Ice
15Fall Leaves
16Northern Lights
17Valentine's Day