Both ColorAlti G2 and DigiAlti (US Patent No. 10,267,630 B2) have 16 different visual alerts and 17 effects that can be used in any phase of a skydive.
In the table below, a red check (✓) indicates that an alert or effect is one of the defaults (default settings are on Preset 1 on a new altimeter). The examples given show the alerts and effects on a StickyLight 2B, which has 10 LEDs—the same number as DigiAlti's LightBar. Alerts and effects on the other StickyLights are displayed slightly differently.
Alerts are shown with a blending effect, blending through all 65,536 possible colors. A blue check (✓) indicates that an alert is altitude dependent, i.e. the way the alert is displayed is influenced by where you are in the altitude window (e.g. 13,000 to 6,000 ft) indicated.