SonoAlti G2 & ColorAlti G2
List of Audible Alarms with Examples
SonoAlti G2, SonoAlti G2V, and ColorAlti G2 share 32 different types of audible alarms that can be used in any phase of a skydive. Although one can use any alarm one wishes, certain alarms (those higher-pitched ones) are intended to be freefall alarms and others are intended for canopy or ascent because of their acoustic characteristics. In the table below, a check indicates which alarms were originally intended for what purpose; a red check () indicates that an alarm is one of the default alarms (default settings are on Preset 1 on a new altimeter). The examples given use the default alarm center frequency of 4.0 kHz.
# Name Freefall Canopy/Ascent Listen
1High Flatline
2High Long Beeps
3High Medium Beeps
4High Short Beeps
5High Very Short Beeps
6High Ultra Short Beeps
7High Pulsing Tone
9Pulsing Punctuated Siren
10Fast Siren
11Upward Sweeping Siren
12Downward Sweeping Siren
13Harmonic Siren
14High Warbly Siren
15Reveille Bugle Call
16Rossini's William Tell
17Yankee Doodle
18Mexican Hat Dance
19Midrange Medium Beeps
20Midrange Pulsing Tone
21Midrange Beacon
22Low Flatline
23Low Long Beeps
24Low Medium Beeps
25Low Short Beeps
26Low Very Short Beeps
27Low Ultra Short Beeps
28Low Pulsing Tone
29Ascending Sweep
30Harmonic Sweep
31Ultra Low Warbly Siren
32Ultra Low Alert

Internally Used Sounds
These altimeters also have a number of internally used sounds that indicate various states of the altimeter. The following table shows these sounds and how they are activated.
Alarm Type How to Use Listen
Battery 100%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 90%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 80%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 70%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 60%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 50%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 40%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 30%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 20%hold both buttons to check battery status
Battery 10%hold both buttons to check battery status
Bluetooth Onhold bottom button
Bluetooth Offhold bottom button
Low Batteryautomatic warning at 10% battery
Preset 1hold top botton (when not in Bluetooth mode) to check/set preset
Preset 2hold top botton (when not in Bluetooth mode) to check/set preset
Preset 3hold top botton (when not in Bluetooth mode) to check/set preset
Preset 4hold top botton (when not in Bluetooth mode) to check/set preset
Preset 5hold top botton (when not in Bluetooth mode) to check/set preset